Saturday, April 22, 2017

One Man's Demons


The demons that live inside of all writers, are the Demons which they write about.

Injustice. Infidelity. Loss.

Some pain is arguably viable - the ridges of skin from a burn.

Some pain is arguably invisible - the soul of parents with missing children.

Some fathers write about the loss of their children to foreign forces.

Others write of the loss of their predecessor.

One man's demons, is another chapter of the Major Project.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Write For The Message

Some writers have full time occupations until their income allows them to give it up. I received a check last week and based on it's value, it may be a while before I give up my

Stephen King worked in a laundromat writing in the morning before he went to work.

There is hope for me yet.

We write not for the money but fot the message.

But the money will make the message a lot more fluent in publication.