Saturday, April 28, 2018

Protecting The Writting Time- Part II

So much for protecting the writing time.

In a recent 17 day writing challenger, I managed to day.

In the past three weeks I have neglected to maintain the protection that the writing demands. Instead, I have been focused on other matters which may appear to take precedent, but which need to have a secondary place to the writing.

It is not that the last three weeks have not produced any writing, it's just that the last three weeks have not produced enough writing to warrant the past three weeks.

The current projects have been expanded and two major cover stories are being formulated for a local magazine that I have written for in the past.

Get the writing the protection that it needs before the writing opportunity is gone.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Protecting The Writting Time

  At 16:45 Friday 30 March 2018,  Good Friday the world changed.

  The much maligned opportunity to acquire quality writing time came to fruition and presented itself before me as an initial unwelcome visitor. While the past seven days have been spent composing documents for the annual tax return, I have been allowed to make notes, jot ideas and began composing a feature story that I have long held dear to my heart.

  I have also returned to a evolving story line, also near and dear to my heart, which holds a partial connection to the previously mentioned feature story. That developing story has also had more attention to it in the past seven days that it has had in the prior months.

  Not every one gets another opportunity to write. This one, shall be protected.