New. News. News. News.
But I can't tell you.
Not till November 1.
Then, I can tell you the news.
But you will be second to know.
New. News. News. News.
But I can't tell you.
Not till November 1.
Then, I can tell you the news.
But you will be second to know.
There, but for the stroke of a pen, go I.
Mark left behind two children, Megan and Alyse, ages 2 years and 8 weeks.
Twenty five year later after that night, I would finally write of him. I will hold copies of the book for his children, should they ever ask.
Thirty one years after that night, I have not forgotten him.
Happy birthday Chickybabe.
Each year on this day I think back to the first occurrence of this day. What occurred, what had to happen, who brought you into the world.
As you grew, I use to think that the worst thing that could occur was that your life would be taken by accident - vehicular, illness, abduction - I never though that the worst thing that could occur would be that your life would be taken by alienation.
I am sorry.
You have now been out of my life longer than you were in it, and your grandfather - Poppy, has lost the grandchildren he tried to recapture life with - after his children were taken by alienation.
And you will probably do the same, should you choose to have children.
Happy birthday, my child.
2022 has been a year, already of upheaval. This also includes the reassignment of my professional life.
After sixteen years, during which I studied and credentialed in a specialized field. I am moving across to another tract to see out my working life. I am hoping that the return to less combative late night telephone conversations and a regular schedule will allow for the completion of the major project, which, must be completed.
In September 2021, Blizzard Entertainment released Diablo 2: Resurrection. This was a game that a buddy introduced me to in about 2001 and we played many a late hour into the night this role playing game (RPG) It was my first foray into the "fantasy" world, and twenty years later, I returned to the remastered original game. On a Saturday morning I sat down to chronicle my return.
0900: Turn on computer, upload game, press play. Entered the waiting cue to access the server as player #238.
0945: Finally entered the game.
0946: Game crashed to desktop.
0947: Reentered the waiting cue as player # 132.
1016: Crash to desktop prior to entering server lobby.
1017: Reentered the waiting cur as player 78.
Approximately 1105: Server converted me to off line play. Press online and reenter the waiting cue as player #314.
1215: Game crashed to desktop.
After three (3) hours of "gameplay" I balanced my checking account, requested a copy of my credit report, finalized some end of month bills before they were due, discarded motor vehicle repair orders predating 2015, defrosted some frozen food for dinner this evening, and surfed the yachting classifieds for a replacement.
Blizzard get a big fat F for their theft of US$60 for unavailable downloadable content.
Here we go again, another lap around the globe as we grapple to "flatten the curve in fourteen days", now in its second year.
I have returned to writing after an extended absence in another country fulfilling the obligations of emergency management in the Covid era. Returning to writing I have been presented with atopic that continues to plague me, grief.
Twenty one days to complete a manuscript for publication.
Yup, we go again. Damaged goods.