Showing posts with label Adsence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adsence. Show all posts
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Adsence on Memorial Day Weekend
I had not seen any revenue from Google Ads in almost a year before I logged into my Adsence account today. Front and center has an advisory that my "earnings were at risk, you need to fix ads.txt to avoid severe impact to your revenue."
My site currently doesn't generate the revenue of a small country, but I'm planning one day to have a larger presence. For the time being, I have to modify an text entry to correct an ad.
That sounds simple.
No it wasn't.
I have never worked with html, instead using a copy and paste method to stand up the blog site, that you are reading. So now I have to start modifying code on a copy and paste site?
Can't stand having to modify adsence ads to correct an entry.
Good thing I have the entire three day of the Memorial Day weekend and the California Stay at Home Orders to correct this issue. I'll need all that time.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Collecting on Writers Revenue
Recall that I wrote of discovery that Google cancels Adsence accounts just prior to payout, then keeps the money already paid by the advertiser.
Recall that I contested their abomination and would proceed through the judicial system to recover monies?
Rest easy, it appears that Google had a change of philosophy and paid out the earned revenue.
Writers revenue: if it's acknowledge that approximately 50% of royalties are unpaid to musicians, I can only imagine that there is a similar volume of unpaid revenue to writers. Perhaps even more that do not pursue their earnings.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Sixteen years ago today, I commenced racing in a catamaran series that would eventually produce the fifth of my seven championships. I won the fifth championships with a perfect score, in part, because nobody could "go to windward" better than I.
Writers, like sailors, are often called upon to make decisions similar to those encountered in sailing. What's the best path to the next mark? What is the preferred tack? And most importantly, how to cover the immediate threat. Tacking, is about making decisions, and at times, the realization you have to go in the unfavorable direction, to come back on the preferred path.
As an author, protecting your unpublished work prior to getting to the printing press, may require a different tack.
Head to wind, loosening the sheets, pointing the boat through the eye of the wind and letting the sails fill on the "other side". Tacking.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Google Credability Eroded
Last week I wrote of Google's email of personal identification information that they had detected.
Apparently, such information was incorrect, and the email was sent in error.
When a beloved company starts sending erroneous information, credibility is eroded and it is fair to ask "what else was erroneously sent?"
Is it possible that my Google Adsence claim was another of their erroneous letter?
Note too, Google Adsence Advertisements continue to appear on my blog. Even though Google Ads have been disabled, they continue to appear and continue to earn money.
#fraud #googlefraud
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Still Contesting Google's Adsence Fraud Claim
On January 5, 2015, I wrote of Google's Adsence Claim, that fraudulent activity was being conducted on my website. Google, in their wisdom, disallowed the earnings incurred on my website.
Interesting, that despite my account settings, changed after the Google notice to disallow Google's ad appear on my website, those ads have continued to appear on my website, and indeed, have continued to earn income.
Yesterday, February 28, 2015, I received an email from Google which stated:
"Dear Publisher,
We have now verified that we are no longer detecting PII being passed to Google from the account(s) under your control.
Thank you for helping to resolve this matter.
The Google Policy Team"
Google tech's using inhouse speak but not making any sense to their customers. With no prior notification of my personal information going "walkabout", this was alarming. A search located multiple threads about the Google Adsence program passing Personal Identification Information (PII) from websites to outside interests.
Really? Could that possibly be the reason why Google detected unauthorized ad clicking on a blog that did not exist and did not have Google's Ads being displayed?
Google have not yet responded to three (3) letters sent to their corporate office requesting further information. The Google Adsence Claim is about to head to court.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Contesting Google's AdSence Fraud Claims
Google - the company so big, so large, that the left hand doesn't know what the right mouse click is doing.
In March 2014, the service provider who hosted a body of my written work, closed. That body of work also included commercial ads using Google's Adsence program. In April 2014, an alternative service provider was located and a new blog was commenced. An application was made to the Google Adsence program for the inclusion of the new blog. Google's policy is that Adsence accounts cannot be added within the first six (6) months of a new blog.
At the end of the six (6) months, I applied to have the new blog included. The application for the new blog was rejected based on fraudulent activity.
Fraudulent activity? While the blog didn't exist and a replacement was not yet approved? This appears to be more of a case similar to the class action suite launched in May 2014 which accuses Google of cancelling Adsence accounts just prior to paying out. I checked the balance of my account, and sure enough it's about ready to pay out my earnings on the previous blog.
A few more searches located two interesting articles. An unidentified whistleblower reports that Google cancels Adsence accounts just prior to payout, then keeps the money already paid by the advertiser.
I tracked down a successful civil prosecution of Google for the cancellation of an Adsence account in California from 2009, and discovered that trying to get an answer from Google, is almost next to impossible. While Google has a legal department, trying to locate a telephone number for the Adsence Department is futile. Even with telephone calls to their corporate office, I could not reach anyone who could communicate with me.
I lodged an on line appeal against my "fraudulent activity" and added the details I considered necessary, with the appropriate legalities if the account was not reinstated. There was no response to my emails, but this morning, Google Adsence now appears on my blog.
I surmised that some agent at Google "reviewed" my appeal, went back and saw that their claim of fraudulent activity could not have occurred in the period allowed, as there was no blog or other site upon which any Google ads appeared.
I wonder how much in "earnings" is left in the hands of Google when they cancel accounts for fraudulent activity, that aren't contested.
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