On July 14, 2015, one of the most anticipated fiction novels was released both in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Go Set A Watchman, the second book by author Harper Lee made it's debut almost fifty five years to the day after the first release of
To Kill A Mockingbird.
The storyline of Watchman centers on Jean Louise Finch, "Scout"
returning home to Maycomb County to discover, everything has changed
since she and her brother Jem were the object of attention from neighbor
Arthur 'Boo' Radley.

In the weeks leading up to the release,
began to emerge that the father of Jean Louise, Attica Finch, had
become a racist. In To Kill A Mockingbird, Atticus defends a man falsely
accused of rape, and later during
the film of the same name, Gregory Peck delivers one of the revered performances ever, which won him an Academy Award.
Writers and the blogosphere cried out in dismay at the fall from grace.
"Say it isn't so?"
"Falls from grace - first Cliff Huxtable, now Atticus Finch."
a simultaneous release in both the United Kingdom and the United
States, fellow writers "across the pond" got their hands on the book and
were putting their thoughts into newspapers, before I even woke up.
After reading their reviews, I wondered if it was worth preordering and
prepaying for my copy on the first day release.
On the third day,
and after avoiding the "mass hysteria" about Mister Finch's tainted
view, I picked up my copy and isolated myself for the read. Cover to
cover, one sitting. As I read the book, I could not help but be drawn
back to the circumstances that brought Lee's first book to me.
up in Australia, there was not a lot of detail paid to the civil issues
of the South. The book, To Kill a Mockingbird, is required reading in
junior High School English, along with Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare,
Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy.
My first viewing of the film was in 1982 - not a lot of television in
Australia. However, as my daughters grew up, they too also experienced
Mockingbird as required reading in both Australia and the USA. Like
myself, they also were not exposed to the civil issues of the south
before the book, but had more exposure to Hollywood's interpretation of
the issues.
Go Set A Watchman draws on the premise that every
person has a Watchman, a conscience. Jean Louise, on a humid Sunday
afternoon finds herself sitting in the same balcony of the courthouse
where she watched her father so many years ago. This time, Atticus is
leading a Citizen's Council. Jean Louise is horrified and then goes on
tirade against almost everyone. Almost.
The book has flashback
scenes interspersed explaining where her childhood friends ended up.
Dill lives in Italy and her older brother, Jem, passed away with a heart
attack. About the only person in Maycomb that hasn't changed is
Calpurnia, who is still the housekeeper for Mister Finch.
Go Set A
Watchman reads like a "first draft", including a reference to Atticus
defending Tom Robinson, and having him acquitted of rape twenty years
earlier - the storyline that would eventually became Mockingbird.
Watchman does not have the same hold as Mockingbird, and it's hard to
imagine that Lee would "allow" this to be released, after a lifetime of
rejecting pleas for a sequel. Lee, aged 89 and still living in Alabama,
had her manuscript of Watchman "found" during an audit of assets by her

commotion about Atticus appears to be, unjustified. After getting into a
heated discussion with Jean Louise, Mister Finch delivers the same
lines from Mockingbird that his daughter has always heard from him. As
her father, Atticus has never "forced" her daughter to do anything, and
this time is no exception. The hysteria about Atticus being a racist old
Southern lawyer, is unfounded. The town of Maycomb may have had a
change of viewpoint towards civil rights, but Atticus, is still the same
reserved man fighting the same internal demons that he did in
I wouldn't expect anything else from a single father bringing up his children in a evolving world.