Showing posts with label fraud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fraud. Show all posts
Saturday, September 29, 2018
I Always Knew It Was Coming
There are moments in time, where everything changes. When you know that nothing will ever be the same again. Sometimes, you get real quiet, as it was an unexpected event.
Sometimes you get real quiet, because you always knew it was coming - and then once it arrives, you immediately recognize it for what it was.
Several weeks ago, my father reached out to the mother of my children, attempting to get in contact with my daughters. The mother of my daughters said she would pass the message on.
My father never heard from my daughters. He, too, has become the grandparent affected by parental alienation.
Yesterday, the mailman arrived and made rounds. In the mail for me, was the birthday card I had sent my eldest daughter, in May of this year. It was marked "no longer at this address".
The last point of contact for my children has now gone.
Everything changes now. Nothing will ever be the same again. I got real quiet. I always knew it was coming.
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Story Goes to Slashdot

Today, the San Diego Reader published my story on the nationwide outage affecting the receipt of pay for Uber drivers.
The story was picked up on Slashdot and has gone viral.
A piece of work created by me now appears on /. a site that I read every day.
Thank you to both the Reader and Slashdot.
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Stalkers in the Shadows
In the James Bond film, Spectre, the "Nine Eyes" committee chairman, "C", advocates for more surveillance.
Recently, and not for the first time, I have, again, discovered that one of the people in my past, is yet again stalking me. This time, they are operating under their own name, with ambiguous credentials for their employment. Truly, one of those moments in life where I can now look back and say that I missed a bullet, this is a person who made their choice to depart from my life.
So what is it that keeps bringing these persons back into my life? It's hard to believe that this person, or the previous, have any interest in what I do - they have not contacted me. (Contacted others around me, but not me.) Lingering in the background they just seem to be watching what I do.
Perhaps lamenting the wrongs that they portrayed to me, waiting to see if such atrocities will make it into print.
Here's hoping that I never make it the list occupied by Gwyneth Paltrow, Lennon and Jodi Foster.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Merry Christmas from Chesterfield Inlet
No one chooses to be here, it's just a place where the soul goes.
SoCal is still close to the hurt, and those last few thousands miles, the cold, and the isolation, numb that which robs the soul.
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Force Majeure of Parental Alientation
Each week, I look at the bank page where my blog resides and try to decide what stains will grace it. Mostly, this blog alternates between the development of the writer within me, the injustices orchestrated against fathers, and occasionally, recent events in my personal life.
This week all three managed to combine into a "force majeure" event, a phrase normally associated with a contract where certain circumstances beyond their control make either party unable to fulfill their obligations.
Acts of God, natural disasters, civil war are the big three that most think of. Sometimes it can be the mental grind.
This week I had to take on the State of California and the Commonwealth of Australia as, once again, their errors which are compounded with automatic penalties, were once again identified as inaccurate. The State acknowledges that the error occurred, but claims it has no authority to correct it. At the same time, they report that they are legislated to act on a thirty (30) day response. The Commonwealth of Australia report that they have no recourse when payment is not made, but must continue to act until so resolved.
No one wants to take responsibility, but will proceed regardless rather than redress the error. Sounds like a poor parenting plan. And it is.
Having championed the cause, I have returned home to receive correspondence from my native country addressed to my daughter at her mother house. Apparently, her mother can receive payments for our daughter at that mailing address, but when a gift from me is sent to our daughter, it is marked "return to sender".
It was only in recent years that I found a name for the "force majeure" of my life. It's called Parental Alienation. And it's taught by the evil mothers to our children, learned from their mother.
Wickedness, repeats history. As done to the mother of our children, so is now done to our children.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
The Verizon Wireless Fraud Game
Got a bill today charging me for the fraudulent change of my account by a Verizon Wireless employee. Verizon Wireless charged me for a change they made without authorization.
Time to rectify their error - 22 hours and it's still not corrected.
Verizon Fraud Game - change your account, because it will take more of your time to correct than it does to just pay it,
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Nuisance Calls Are Not a Customer Inconvenience Claims Verizon
Day 10, and Verizon Wireless still can't get it's own Customer Service alibi straight.
The story so far. One telephone number has been nuisance calling my personal cell phone. I contact Verizon Wireless, they can't block it from their end - it has to be done through my on line account. Completed.
The nuisance calls keep coming.
Telephone Tech Support, they block the number - the calls keep coming.
Telephone a Tech Coach who claims the block is not present - despite hard evidence on my end. They go to block the telephone number from their end, and the number now "mysteriously" appears as a blocked number that they can't explain - but the calls keep coming.
Today I telephone Customer Service - who confirm that no block exists, but upon further review, report that the block is on all telephone numbers - except the phone receiving all the calls. I'm calling them out - incompetent, deceitful, and failure to provide the service requested.
"You haven't been inconvenienced in any way by the nuisance caller," the Customer Service agent claims.
Ten days, eight calls and eleven hours on the phone to Verizon, broken sleep, and the inability of a cell phone company to fulfill their service agreement apparently is not enough for Verizon Wireless to be considered an inconvenience for their customers.
Can you hear me now moving to @Sprint.
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Verizon Wireless Bait and Switch
There are entities, who believe that they are so far above reproach, that they do not have to supply the level of service that they bill for. The worst offenders are cell phone carriers, and Verizon Wireless heads that list.
I have been receiving nuisance calls from one telephone number. Incoming calls at 11:30pm at night, 4:30am in the morning, 6:10am on Sunday morning. Inconvenient times. I know my cell phone carrier has been charging for the past 12 years for a block application - I'll call customer service and ask them to activate it.
"I'm sorry, Verizon Wireless can't activate call blocking without changing your plan." (Which invokes a higher monthly cost.)
Verizon Wireless Customer Service is unable to commence a call blocking service that I have already been paying for, without charging me a higher rate? (Sounds like extortion.)
Customer Service reports that they cannot activate the service, but, I can use the on line web page to access my account and start the call blocking service.
Later that day, I access the on line web page, log into my account and block the incoming call across all cell phone lines.
Want to guess who calls me the next day at 9.55pm? My blocked caller. I call Verizon Wireless and sit on hold for an hour without an answer before calling it a night. The next morning, my nuisance caller is at at it again at 06:05am and I phone my cell phone carrier straight away.
"We can't explain why your block caller is able to get through - let me put your through to Technical Support Tier II."
"You don't have any blocked numbers," Tier II claims. I call them out and print out a copy of the on line account not only showing the blocked cell phone number, but the expiration date.
"Oh, well...we can't explain why your blocked caller is getting through."
That's what I thought. Verizon Wireless can't supply the services that they have been charging me for. Why, am I still paying them?
Can you hear that?
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Unauthorized Account Access Sanctioned by Verizon
Have you ever dialed a cell phone carrier's Customer Service division? You call in, punch in your pass code, provide your secret answer, and if you get a real person, they want to know who they are talking with. They ask for permission to access the account, and then they confirm that they can talk to you because you are listed on the account.
That's how it should work.
Earlier this evening Customer Service at Verizon Wireless confirmed by date and name, that they have have been talking to someone, who's not on the account, is not authorized to operate on the account, and who has authorized changes to the account.
It's taken 7 months to locate it and 4 hours on the phones in the past two days alone.
Who needs a better network as explained by colorful balls when Verizon Wireless sanctions unauthorized access to account.
#verizonwireless #verizon #admissionswithoutcorrections
Saturday, March 26, 2016
California Franchise Tax Board Needs 130 Days to Answer A Letter
How long does a state department need to respond to a letter of inquiry?
14 days?
30 days?
How about of 130 days for the California Franchise Tax Board.
I should consider myself lucky however. In March 2016, the California Franchise Tax Board requested $30 million in funding to enable them to meet service standards. The request was made based on their policy for the timely processing of correspondence within thirty (30) days, but they acknowledge that the average turn around time has been eight (8) months, (Page 14) with 70,000 items of correspondence unaddressed. This is further complicated by the inability of consumers to speak to a representative when they telephone.
Is it any wonder that businesses are leaving California for other states like Texas?
I wonder how forgiving the State of California would be on April 15 if I delayed the filing of my tax return by 130 days?
Saturday, February 20, 2016
You Let It Be
There will come a time when"those" will look upon the actions of "them" and ask themselves, "How did we let it get to be this way?"
And those in the know will turn to them and say "You did it to yourself."
As the plans commence from the Day of Righteous, it is not without notice that another Date of Infamy arrives. Had not the loss been, I would not be the writer that I am now. Someday, that story may appear in a book, maybe in a Chicken Soup for the Soul publication. They will read and wonder "How did we let it get to be this way?"
You let it be.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Writing Through The Muddle - Part 2.
Writing through the muddle - part 2
Not all associates may be who they have always appeared to be.
Not all opportunities arrive as scheduled.
Not all writing assignments demand the same urgency.
Not all conversations result in the same contract.
Not all contracts need to be accepted.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Collecting on Writers Revenue
Recall that I wrote of discovery that Google cancels Adsence accounts just prior to payout, then keeps the money already paid by the advertiser.
Recall that I contested their abomination and would proceed through the judicial system to recover monies?
Rest easy, it appears that Google had a change of philosophy and paid out the earned revenue.
Writers revenue: if it's acknowledge that approximately 50% of royalties are unpaid to musicians, I can only imagine that there is a similar volume of unpaid revenue to writers. Perhaps even more that do not pursue their earnings.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Google Credability Eroded
Last week I wrote of Google's email of personal identification information that they had detected.
Apparently, such information was incorrect, and the email was sent in error.
When a beloved company starts sending erroneous information, credibility is eroded and it is fair to ask "what else was erroneously sent?"
Is it possible that my Google Adsence claim was another of their erroneous letter?
Note too, Google Adsence Advertisements continue to appear on my blog. Even though Google Ads have been disabled, they continue to appear and continue to earn money.
#fraud #googlefraud
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Still Contesting Google's Adsence Fraud Claim
On January 5, 2015, I wrote of Google's Adsence Claim, that fraudulent activity was being conducted on my website. Google, in their wisdom, disallowed the earnings incurred on my website.
Interesting, that despite my account settings, changed after the Google notice to disallow Google's ad appear on my website, those ads have continued to appear on my website, and indeed, have continued to earn income.
Yesterday, February 28, 2015, I received an email from Google which stated:
"Dear Publisher,
We have now verified that we are no longer detecting PII being passed to Google from the account(s) under your control.
Thank you for helping to resolve this matter.
The Google Policy Team"
Google tech's using inhouse speak but not making any sense to their customers. With no prior notification of my personal information going "walkabout", this was alarming. A search located multiple threads about the Google Adsence program passing Personal Identification Information (PII) from websites to outside interests.
Really? Could that possibly be the reason why Google detected unauthorized ad clicking on a blog that did not exist and did not have Google's Ads being displayed?
Google have not yet responded to three (3) letters sent to their corporate office requesting further information. The Google Adsence Claim is about to head to court.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Contesting Google's AdSence Fraud Claims
Google - the company so big, so large, that the left hand doesn't know what the right mouse click is doing.
In March 2014, the service provider who hosted a body of my written work, closed. That body of work also included commercial ads using Google's Adsence program. In April 2014, an alternative service provider was located and a new blog was commenced. An application was made to the Google Adsence program for the inclusion of the new blog. Google's policy is that Adsence accounts cannot be added within the first six (6) months of a new blog.
At the end of the six (6) months, I applied to have the new blog included. The application for the new blog was rejected based on fraudulent activity.
Fraudulent activity? While the blog didn't exist and a replacement was not yet approved? This appears to be more of a case similar to the class action suite launched in May 2014 which accuses Google of cancelling Adsence accounts just prior to paying out. I checked the balance of my account, and sure enough it's about ready to pay out my earnings on the previous blog.
A few more searches located two interesting articles. An unidentified whistleblower reports that Google cancels Adsence accounts just prior to payout, then keeps the money already paid by the advertiser.
I tracked down a successful civil prosecution of Google for the cancellation of an Adsence account in California from 2009, and discovered that trying to get an answer from Google, is almost next to impossible. While Google has a legal department, trying to locate a telephone number for the Adsence Department is futile. Even with telephone calls to their corporate office, I could not reach anyone who could communicate with me.
I lodged an on line appeal against my "fraudulent activity" and added the details I considered necessary, with the appropriate legalities if the account was not reinstated. There was no response to my emails, but this morning, Google Adsence now appears on my blog.
I surmised that some agent at Google "reviewed" my appeal, went back and saw that their claim of fraudulent activity could not have occurred in the period allowed, as there was no blog or other site upon which any Google ads appeared.
I wonder how much in "earnings" is left in the hands of Google when they cancel accounts for fraudulent activity, that aren't contested.
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