Showing posts with label social justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social justice. Show all posts

Saturday, February 13, 2016

On The Day of Righteous

On the Day of Righteous,
Look over the fence back at the barren earth.
Feel the grass between your toes,
Smell the fresh cut green.
Be gracious -
Your work is done.

 - a discarded paragraph from The Book of Pioneer.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Parental Alienation

  To the First Fans: thank you for your wishes. Recovery is underway and I have returned to work.

 In Brisbane Australia, comes the story of a Family Law Court Judge who awarded custody to the father of three children, after finding that the mother engaged in parental alienation by coaching their children in lies. Not surprisingly,  the grandmother of the children was equally culpable in the lies and deceit.

  One father's work to remain in contact with his children, has not been in vain.


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas from Chesterfield Inlet

Merry Christmas from Chesterfield Inlet, where this year a buddy joins me.

Sorry Adam, we did not decide this to be our Christmas home. One day our children will know how long we waited for this day.

Thank you Norad for keeping the skies safe for the man who brings joy, currently in Bogota.

Monday, September 7, 2015

It's All Right Chickybabe.

"Writing a novel is actually searching for victims. As I write I keep looking for casualties." - John Irving.

"I've found, in my own writing, that a little hatred, keenly directed, is a useful thing." - Alice Walker.

"It's all right Chickybabe, I understand." - A father.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Memorial Day Writing

  It is not enough to be able to write, you have to be marketable to bring forth an income. A writer without income, is just a good story teller. Everybody loves to listen to the story teller, but no one wants to pay. It's like the listener feels that they are entitled to be entertained by a "ripping good yarn".

  The irony is, the listener will pay good money to purchase the newest book from Stephen King,  but, probably never consider his writing 40 years ago. Why?

  No credits to substantiate their expenditure.

  "The book" currently being written by me, is under siege. Not from thieves, pirates or oppression, but from the competition of day to day living. Not a word has been written this week, not because there was nothing to write, but the "business" of running the household outweighed the business of writing a book - that is currently worth $0 on the open market. Writing time has to be budgeted, and sometimes, protecting that time falls prey to the whims of family, bills, and "the day job".

  In the United States this weekend, it is Memorial Day. A time to remember the sacrifice of fallen soldiers in defense of this, and foreign countries. It is a favorably time of year, giving me the largest block of time away from "the day job" and the business of running the household, so I can write.

  I thank the servicemen for their sacrifice, so that I can write, for as we have learned, the world is not always a safe place for writers.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Google Credability Eroded

  Last week I wrote of Google's email of personal identification information that they had detected.

  Apparently, such information was incorrect, and the email was sent in error.

  When a beloved company starts sending erroneous information, credibility is eroded and it is fair to ask "what else was erroneously sent?"

  Is it possible that my Google Adsence claim was another of their erroneous letter?

  Note too, Google Adsence Advertisements continue to appear on my blog.  Even though Google Ads have been disabled, they continue to appear and continue to earn money.

#fraud #googlefraud

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Still Contesting Google's Adsence Fraud Claim

  On January 5, 2015, I wrote of Google's Adsence Claim, that fraudulent activity was being conducted on my website.  Google, in their wisdom, disallowed the earnings incurred on my website.

  Interesting, that despite my account settings, changed after the Google notice to disallow Google's ad appear on my website, those ads have continued to appear on my website, and indeed, have continued to earn income.

  Yesterday, February 28, 2015, I received an email from Google which stated:

"Dear Publisher,

We have now verified that we are no longer detecting PII being passed to Google from the account(s) under your control.

Thank you for helping to resolve this matter.


The Google Policy Team"

  Google tech's using inhouse speak but not making any sense to their customers. With no prior notification of my personal information going "walkabout", this was alarming. A search located multiple threads about the Google Adsence program  passing Personal Identification Information (PII) from websites to outside interests.

  Really? Could that possibly be the reason why Google detected unauthorized ad clicking on a blog that did not exist and did not have Google's Ads being displayed?

  Google have not yet responded to three (3) letters sent to their corporate office requesting further information. The Google Adsence Claim is about to head to court.
